The first and only ITEC & WSQ certified postnatal care in China!

Treatment Packages


  • RMB8600

    5 Days CLASSIC Package

    Traditional Jamu full body oil massage

    Malay and Bengkung abdominal binding

    Deep abdominal massage with Ginger slimming cream

    Relaxing head massage

    V-steam with various malay herbs

    Book Now
  • RMB11200

    7 Days SIGNATURE Package

    Traditional Jamu full body oil massage

    Malay and Bengkung abdominal binding

    Deep abdominal massage with Ginger slimming cream

    Relaxing head massage

    V-steam with various malay herbs

    Book Now
  • RMB14000

    10 Days DELUXE Package

    Traditional Jamu full body oil massage

    Malay and Bengkung abdominal binding

    Deep abdominal massage with Ginger slimming cream

    Relaxing head massage

    V-steam with various malay herbs

    Book Now
  • RMB21000

    15 Days ROYAL Package

    Traditional Jamu full body oil massage

    Malay and Bengkung abdominal binding

    Deep abdominal massage with Ginger slimming cream

    Hot stone breast massage

    Relaxing head massage

    V-steam with various malay herbs

    Book Now
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